Shop With Me: First Time Homeowner Purchases (So Far)

I'm a shopper — like heavy! — but I'm reasonable in my shopping. There are a lot of things I've seen and/or coveted over the years that I never purchased because they didn't fit my life as a renter. I didn't need em so I didn't get em... plain and simple.

But now... it's a whole different type of situation.

I'm a homeowner... a whole homeowner!

Not to say I'm just out here buying all the things but now the way I shop has changed — the priorities have changed. Moving always brings on it's own shopping needs but moving into a home that we own has completely upended my shopping habits, bringing on new kinds of purchases.

So what have been my first, seemingly random — but necessary — purchases as a homeowner?

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Fall 2020 One Room Challenge x High Point Market: Week 5

Did October even really happen?! Every time I think one month was crazy fast, the next one still manages to outpace it. Sheesh!

We're in the final stretch of the ORC and if you're following me on IG — you should be, by the way — then you caught a pretty epic announcement I made yesterday! Yep... my husband & I are officially homeowners! I talk a lil bit about it here and here.

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Fall 2020 One Room Challenge x High Point Market: Week 4

Holy smokes...2 weeks to go. Even though I have not been physically executing this design, knowing that it isn't a design that I entirely pulled from the belly of my imagination has made it just as stressful to conceptualize. Adding on the stress of just life — 2020 being all 2020 and ish — I finally made the decision to fire myself.

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Fall 2020 One Room Challenge x High Point Market: Week 3

While so many of my counterparts have been physically hanging out at High Point Market, I've been taking advantage of all the resources available to me right here on these inter webs.

Being that this is a virtual project, I decided that instead of just tackling some of the rooms in this trip level home, why not try my hand at the entire "must be nice" level. In addition to the media room, shared study, and outdoor living area, I decided why not take on the other two other rooms down there — the laundry room and powder room.

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Fall 2020 One Room Challenge x High Point Market: Week 2

I think I’m going to officially dub my One Room Challenge the “Must Be Nice” design!

If you follow me on Instagram (which you should by the way) then you know a few days ago I shared some of my design inspirations from Pinterest for manifesting my first home. My "Home 2021" board is broken up into sections, with one section being “‘Must Be Nice’ Rooms” because having those rooms/spaces in my future home would be really really nice!

I didn’t grow up with these kinds of rooms so when I think of them, it’s really a fantasy of my future. But what does this have to do with the One Room Challenge? So glad yo asked. Even though this year’s challenge is virtual, I’ve chosen to base my entire challenge on a very real space — a listed home we’ve got our eye on that has must. be. nice. rooms!

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Why We've Decided To Buy A House

Admittedly I had a home on my vision board for the new year — our home buying conversations were becoming a thing and we found ourselves wondering about “what’s next” for our family…stay in Washington? …move back East? We weren’t sure but we knew renting in perpetuity was no longer an option. By the second quarter of 2020, personally, I was juggling being a “single mom” with my husband deployed, the beginnings of my second new job in a year, COVID-19 forcing us all into quarantine, and witnessing a modern day civil rights movement. One or two of these events may not have done much for changing my mind, but all of em together… well I quickly went from, “it’d be nice to own my home” — hence the vision board — — to “I want to own a home!”

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Fall 2020 One Room Challenge x High Point Market: Week 1

Alongside 19 other amazing creators and designers, ya girl is an ORC featured designer!

In true 2020 fashion, this event will be virtual so we’ll be bringing you along as we work with and source vendors as we would in any design project — from the ideating and planning all the way through the final virtual reveal…which you know is my jam!

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Capsule Decorating: Home Decor Must Haves feat. H&M Home

I'm a creature of habit, especially when it comes to shopping, which is precisely why a at the top of the year I decided to create a capsule wardrobe for myself - I was no longer going to be working from home as an entrepreneur and was truly tired of staring at a full closet yet saying, "I have nothing to wear". Why was this happening? Because I had a BUNCH of pieces that didn't play well together. I was purchasing in a vacuum, instead of thinking of my wardrobe holistically, so getting dressed each day became this daunting, arduous task for no. damn. reason!

The way I shop for my closet now is, for quite some time, how I've shopped for my home - capsule shopping. Yes, I've created a decorating capsule.

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Brass vs Bronze vs Gold

Although I'm not against mixing metals, as they've grown in popularity, I've noticed people using them haphazardly without any regard for how they'll play off of one another. This has been especially the case when it comes to rose gold, copper, and gold. Albeit similar, these are all very distinct metals, and when used in decor, these distinctions can make or break a design. Use correctly, they can absolutely elevate a design to something elegant and timeless; however, done incorrectly, and it'll be a piping hot mess!

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House Beautiful Magazine Advisory Board 2020-21

Two months again when I decided to adopt the #sharethemicnow initiative for the home industry, I knew what I wanted to see happen, but I had no actual idea of what would happen. There are certain things you can anticipate but other things you can never see coming...and that's precisely what happened to me.

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Shop With Me: What's In My H&M Home Cart?

It's been a while since I've done an H&M Home haul and that's definitely not for lack of shopping; but with the recent decision to make some changes around the house, now seemed like a great time to do some window shopping, especially with so many of their new releases giving me all the hygge vibes my little heart can handle.

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Award Nominated Blog Announcement

As I sat down to write an entirely different blog post, it dawned on me that I do a really poor job at sharing when pretty amazing things happen, especially here on the blog. Some times I am so bad at celebrating myself but when I do remember, it's usually just on Instagram. Yet for whatever, at this moment I realized I hadn't shared some pretty epic news about the blog — Albie Knows was nominated for an Amara Interior Blog Award in the Best Company Blog category!

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Living Room Refresh: Summer Hygge

Earlier this year, I'd made the decision to stop messing with my house — I literally decided to stop doing home projects, choosing to just focus on the day to day styling and organizing, but also (mostly) enjoying the home I'd created thus far. Paired with my husband being on deployment and not knowing where we'd be a year from now...yeah it was time to just chill.

But then 'rona came to town and, like everyone else, I was forced to appreciate but also reevaluate our home.

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Books About Diversity & Racism For Adults

While an important conversation, it isn't always an easy one to have. Yep, we're talking about diversity & racism. Imagine, if adults can't bring themselves to have these difficult conversations, then it'll be even more difficult with a child. If your child is at the age where you're still reading to them and/or they're reading on their own, there are a countless number of books available — past and present — that make having the conversation of diversity and racism just a tad bit easier.

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Amazon Fresh 120 Day Review

I'm sitting here, as we head into the fifth month of quarantines and stay-at-home orders from COVID-19, awaiting my 19th Amazon Fresh order this year. Yes, in the past 5 months I have placed 19 Amazon Fresh orders for groceries, but let's just go ahead and round up to 20. While a lot of states have been opening up and loosening up their restrictions, I am in no rush to go outside, so after having used it for most of the year, I am pretty confident in whatever comes next because at least I know we'll be fed.

So what has it been like doing my grocery shopping almost* exclusively on Amazon Fresh for the past 4 months?

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Apartment Must-Haves: Essentials For Every Room In Your New Home

After countless moves, I like to think I know a thing or two about apartment readiness. I’ve learned what to prioritize, what’s a necessity, and what can totally wait when it comes to making our rental feel like a home. Not to be confused with moving essentials, whether I was starting from scratch or bringing things with me, there were some things that I found myself always needing in my apartment.

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Books About Diversity & Racism For Children

While an important conversation, it isn't always an easy one to have. Yep, we're talking about diversity & racism. Imagine, if adults can't bring themselves to have these difficult conversations, then it'll be even more difficult with a child. If your child is at the age where you're still reading to them and/or they're reading on their own, there are a countless number of books available — past and present — that make having the conversation of diversity and racism just a tad bit easier.

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