3 Reasons... I Don't D.I.Y.

As more and more people tap into their inner creative and/or look to save a few coins, DIY projects is officially a thing -- from the stay at home moms to professional interior designers, and everyone in between... EXCEPT ME. 

I am surrounded by it -- television, Pinterest, you name it -- especially in my world of not just design, but also being a creative and a mom. But hear me good...

I refuse to subscribe to doing any substantial amount of DIYing and I am absolutely okay with that. 

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Animal Print Fashion Edit: Cheetah, Jaguar, and Leopard

Going into Autumn, there are certain hues & textures that are automatically associated with the season, regardless of their year round usage. For me, that's animal prints. Personally, anytime is a good time for an animal print - be it in fashion or interiors - however, the warmth & texture of most animal prints makes it especially synonymous with the season. And let's be honest, there's a reason, when it comes to fashion, Fall is just about everyone's favorite season. The footwear, the outerwear, the accessories... all get especially fabulous during this season.

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Getting Ready For Fall: Five Ways To Transition Your Decor From Summer To Autumn

Often, when it comes to seasonal decor transitions, people think they have to go all in with the theme of the season and its holidays... which is fine if that's what you wanna do; however, it's not required. You can still honor the aesthetic of your home while acknowledging the season.

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Back To School: Prep For The Entire Family

Back to school is always centered around the children - understandably - however this is the first time that I am truly understanding how the transition impacts us as parents just as much as it does out mini. This transition from summer to school has been a reminder of how much we never learned as parents - how to parent - and so we've also found ourselves turning these milestones in her life as a salve for our inner child, unlearning certain norms, and establishing our own ways around parenting.

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Planning The Hygge Ranch Backyard Resort

After living with our backyard for a little under two (2) years, we've experienced all four seasons at least once, which gave us time to really think about what works & doesn't work. We've spent the better part of these two (2) years daydream planning our backyard and this year, we expanded our daydreaming to include our front yard. P.S. the front yard requires a lot let work which is why it's not as much of a priority - it just needs some more TLC for more curb appeal. My original iteration for the backyard design plan included a lot of the original design elements of the space. Now, a year later, a lot of the yard has changed... and so have our design priorities.

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Shop With Me: Wash Room Essentials

Working on the powder room half bath washroom gives me a bonafide excuse to do some window shopping - as if I ever need one anyway - for all the details of the space. Shopping for a bathroom is nothing like when I was doing so for other projects, because (1) it's a renovation and (2) the space is extremely small.

This kind of project really only calls for shopping renovation fixtures, storage solutions, and finishing touches.

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Another Reno At The Hygge Ranch: The Powder Room

While plotting this reno, I've also been grappling on whether to call this a half bath or a powder room - which do you use by the way? - and I've landed on washroom: "a room with washing and toilet facilities" because that's all that's in there anyway lol.

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Amazon Favorites: 2022 Q1

You didn’t think 2022 wouldn’t have any Amazon favorites did you? Throwing myself completely into the Meridian Experience Weekend, I haven’t gotten a second to actually sit down and share my purchases with you… yet that hasn’t stopped me from making purchases lol

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The Meridian Experience: Four Years In The Making

I didn't set out to create a "conference"...at least not in the way traditionally seen in this industry. I set out to create an event... an experience that would speak to the modern day interior designer who creates content while also servicing clients, the home influencer who has been an aspirational figure to an audience of thousands, and the hungry designpreneur still carving their path in this industry. I set out to create a safe space for the marginalized who have often sat out events for fear of feeling out of place or undeserving. Lastly, I set out to create something that fills us with information as much as it celebrates the journey...that pours into our professional cup as much as it does our personal cup.

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Amazon Favorites: December 2021

And that’s a wrap peeps! Twelve month of Amazon favorites! What a year of shopping lol. In case you’re new here — WELCOME btw! — this “series” was never intended to be a chronological recap of all my Amazon purchases; it just shows my FAVS of those purchases. Believe me when I say, we bought a lot more than what you’ve ever seen… but let’s move on…

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Balancing Motherhood & Entrepreneurship

Some women know they want to work full time & will hire a nanny or get some other kind of outside help. Some women know they want to be a stay at home mom & housewife & will homeschool until their babies are off to college. But then there are those of us who are somewhere in between — we want to work & have a thriving career, but we also want to be around for every single waking moment of our baby’s life; and we don’t want to have to choose.

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2021 Year In Review: Grief, Gratitude, and Grace

Before I get into what we're all here for, thank you for being part of my 2021 story...

whether you were here for the whole wild ride or just caught the tail end of the adventure. Or maybe you're just now getting to know me in 2022, in which case, buckle up for a rollercoaster of cliff notes. Okay, now let's do this...

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New Year Digital Purge Challenge

Do you tend to end the year with a purge so that you can start fresh in the new year?

You do a deep clean of everything from the pantry to your wardrobe, donating, gifting, and/or tossing as needed, and when you're done you feel freer, lighter, and excited that you've made room for all new things. 


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Productivity Hacks: How To Get (And Stay) Focused When Working From Home

This time of year is when everyone is hitting reset for the new year ahead -- making resolutions, setting goals, choosing words to serve as their "North Star", etc  -- all in order to really set the tone for the next 12 months. This doesn't necessarily mean drastic changes of any kind, but there is something about a new year that really makes you go, "I need to get my ish together!" 

As someone who's made a life out of always being home, I decided to share with you some of my productivity hacks and ways that I stay focused & keep myself accountable day to day.

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New Year's Resolutions For Your Home

With a new year always comes new year's resolutions -- all those personal things we want to accomplish over the next 365 days. But did you know that your home affects how you show up in the world? Think about it -- this is the place you eat, sleep, live...naturally how it looks & feels will carry over into how you look & feel. 

This is why I've decided to come up with 7 easy resolutions (translation: resolutions that you can actually keep) for your home, to not only help you love your space but also design your life for 2018. 

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